Doctor Indemnity Insurance

Doctors professional indemnity policy protects doctors financially and legally when they are sued for negligence, malpractice or mistakes.

What Errors & Omissions Policy Covers?

Liability to third parties arising from the performance of or failure to execute / perform / complete professional services

What it means
  • Liability – the insured's legal responsibility for loss or damage to another person
  • Third Party – a person or entity not a party to an insurance contract (individuals or entities other than the insured)
  • Professional Services –services provided for a fee
  • Performance of or failure to execute/perform/complete

negligent acts: failure to use a degree of care which a doctor would use under the given or similar circumstances Errors & omissions Wrongful acts “Wrongful Act” can lead to: Financials Loss, arising out of bodily injury Definition of “Wrongful Act” Error, Omission, negligent act Breach of duty